"Jameel’s Plan is a well-crafted story of a young boy that was encouraged to do well in school so he could go to a university some day and provide a better life for his family. Jameel and his family in a refugee camp and he dreams of the life he could live and the places he could go as he realizes the importance of an education. It’s no surprise he is angry and heart-broken when his school is closed by soldiers. His mother, Immy, reminds him not to lose hope. In the cool shade of his favorite mimosa tree, Jameel creates a plan. Then, with enthusiasm, he sets out to put his plan into action. The questions remain: "What is his plan?” and “Will the plan work?”
Throughout the book, the author weaves a story that gives details of Jameel’s life and his dedication to his culture and family. Mrs. Palmer alludes to the plan at the book’s conclusion without ever explicitly stating it. This story is a teacher’s instructional dream. The book gives opportunities to compare and contrast Jameel’s life with the life of classroom students of the West. This multiculturally themed book is a great medium to teach perspectives of another culture. Problem/solution and predicting outcomes through inferencing are other topics a teacher could explore with Jameel’s Plan. Not only is the story well-written, the illustrations created by Mr. Sacco are captivating through detail and color. He does a great job of providing the reader a framework for the story. This book belongs in every elementary school library as the topics in the book a teacher could use for instruction in the classroom are numerous. Every student should read this book as it provokes deep thoughts and higher level thinking."
Sharlyn Bammel
M.Ed Gifted Education
Retired Elementary School Teacher
"Elayne Palmer’s new book, Jameel’s Plan, is so timely. This book is illustrated so beautifully by Aaron Sacco who grew up in the Mediterranean rim. It tells a story about the value of learning (self-directed) for children in war torn places. Elayne lived in Gaza for a period and is a true global citizen. This book is suitable for all young children because it does not focus on the ravages of war but simply refers to school being closed due to war time circumstances. It focuses on the beautiful spirit of children. "
Arlene Kasselman, owner Seven and One Books
"Jameel's Plan is an incredibly eye-opening and impactful book. The writing alone is enough to show the truth of the struggles that many around the world deal with, and the illustration helps the reader fully understand Jameel's situation. Reading this book helped me realize how grateful I should be for the chance to have uninterrupted education, and showed me that I should be doing as much as possible for those struggling around me and throughout the world.
I truly love this book."
Sophia Hudson, high school senior
"What a beautiful book! I liked the font and the way the print went from black to white as needed. The colors of the illustrations were deep and rich. But the story was universal: the main character (in this case, a child) faces an obstacle and rather than being defeated by it, finds a creative way to overcome it. Inspiration for children of all ages!"
Rachel Crawshaw, author
"Jameel’s Plan by Elayne Palmer, with illustrations by Aaron Sacco, is an absolute gem of a book that touched my heart deeply. The story of Jameel, a young boy living in a refugee camp, is both inspiring and eye-opening. When his school closes due to the harsh realities and effect of poverty, war, and government issues, Jameel’s love for learning leads him to come up with a brilliant plan to LEAD rather than give in to the heartbreak of losing the educational opportunity he once had. His determination and hope are truly uplifting.
What makes this book so special is how it beautifully portrays the children from the East. Their perseverance is inspiring. It takes us on a journey outside of America where free education is not always a given and can be taken away in an instant. It offers a poignant reminder of the importance of education and the incredible resilience of children facing difficult circumstances.
The illustrations by Aaron Sacco are stunning and add an extra layer of depth and beauty to the story. They bring Jameel’s world to life in a way that is both vivid and moving. I felt the emotion behind every illustration!
As a parent, this book has given me a deeper appreciation for the educational opportunities we often take for granted. It’s a powerful read that I believe everyone, young and old, should experience. "Jameel’s Plan" is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the boundless potential of children everywhere."
Stephanie Ellison, M.Ed.
Founder/Executive Director of
Simply Encourage
"Jameel's Plan unveils several worlds for the reader. The introduction to a refugee camp in the Middle East--a world most of us only know of because of the news--unfolds from the first page. Elayne Palmer sprinkles a few words from the Arabic language throughout the story, while Aaron Sacco non-verbally creates scenes that inform the reader about what life is like in this country. Most importantly, the attempt to stop the learning process, a problem that broke Jameel's heart, comes to a halt as he creatively solves how to continue the educational journey. The story's authenticity rings true when we understand that the author and illustrator experienced life in the Middle East."
Kaye Price-Hawkins, educator
Abilene TX Citizen of the Year 2023